IAN SOMERHALDER BLOGG.SE - Sveriges största källa om Ian Somerhalder
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—Ian gästade Travis Smiley och pratade klimat.
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Nätverket CW gjorde en intervju med Ian Somerhalder för ett tag sen, har ni ännu inte sett det, kolla på det ovan.
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The Hollywood Reporter hade en liten frågestund med Kevin Williamson, som faktist inte sagt så mycket om serien pågrund av att han har arbetat på andra projekt, vilket inkluderar utvecklingen och inspelningen av pilotavnittet till L.J Smith's The Secret Circle. Kevin pratar om de stora utmaningarna och påfrestningarna det tar för att se till att det blir ett avsnitt varje vecka, kämpandet mot läckt information och spoiler, hur den senaste utvecklingen i Bonnie's berättelse var nästan mycket, mycket annorlunda (vi tror att de i slutändan gjort rättbeslutet) deras planer för Katherine och castingen av Joseph Morgan som Klaus.

OBS! Översättningen gjord av mig, så om du tar den, lämna cred till mig :)


THR: What were conversations like casting a pivotal character like Klaus?

Williamson: I wanted someone who felt European, who felt old world. Clearly, I went to the accents. [Laughs] Joseph Morgan came in and he nailed it. He had the sense of humor that I wanted Klaus to have. The way we always described [the character] is, “Klaus can out-Damon Damon.” We teased this season between Damon and Klaus, but there’s so much material, it’s an open minefield next year between Damon, Stefan and Klaus. The originals, here they come.

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THETVCHICK pratade med candice accola om Utvecklingen gällande matt och hennes mamma, tyler's återvändande till mystic falls samt den stora säsongsfinalen.

The show’s return last week was amazing. What was your reaction when you first read the script and found out that Matt and your mom knew everything and might be working against you?
I thought it was a great twist and turn. I think the character Matt needed to find out. They can’t keep him in the dark forever even though I know that it’s really important for the show to always have people in the dark. I think that Matt’s just been surrounded by it so much with the death of his sister Vicki, and she was a vampire and his best friend is a werewolf and his girlfriend turning into a vampire. (laughs) I think it was a very significant moment that that’s how it happened. And I think that the storyline for Caroline needed that kind of twist and turn because for a while everything kind of was controllable, and everything — I don’t know if it necessarily went back to normal — but it was more controllable way to deal with things. She’s involved with the sacrifice and the coming of Klaus, but she’s not necessarily as involved as the other characters. Tyler has been her main priority for a while, and once he left town, it kind of freed up her world to really just exist and become a normal teenager again — which is nice for the character, but not really nice for watching television. You want that “oh man, what’s going to happen next?” [moment] and I think that this has opened up such a wonderfully entertaining opportunity for things to get really messy...
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Tv6 i San Diego hade en liten intervju med Paul Wesley här om veckan.

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Tv Fanatic intervjuar Sara Canning där hon disskuterar hennes nya kunskaper kring vampyrer och Isobel, samt om Jenna kommer få ta del av informationen snart också.

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Matt Davis är ju bara för gullig vid 1:00 ♥

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