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"Thank you for more presents Brasil!More love,more screams and thank you Azzaro Por Homme aka@azzaro_official for The love, the trip to Lake Como, the trip to Brasil and for making me smell like a man:) Maybe now I can get a girl! What do you think???
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"My last day on Necker Island. Thank you@richardbranson for this amazing experience and your love, commitment and contribution to the world of people, flora and fauna! GO TO: EVERYONE, please answer this question- WHY DO ONLY 150 LEMURS LIKE THIS EXIST IN THE WILD?! Why? BECAUSE THEIR HABITAT IN MADAGASCAR IS BEING DESTROYED BY DEFORESTATION!!! STOP THIS! Let's stop this TOGETHER!!!!! Conservation INTERNATIONAL aka has more info on this than you can imagine! Check out the website I Love this place. Love these people. Love these animals. HATE DEFORESTATION. FUCK DEFORESTATION- find solutions please! Help us!!"
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Ian befinner sig just nu på Necker Island i samband med Ians välgörenhetsorganisation ISF.
På Instagram kan ni följa hans äventyr, här är två foton från vistelsen.

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"A toast to you for spreading the good word of@yearsofliving aka Years Of Living Dangerously. I'll be watching with you from Necker Island with amazing people. Thank you @richardbranson for this extraordinary experience and inspiring so many! AND Thank YOU everyone for being so driven and inspiring! Wow. Wow. Wow. Tonight on SHOWTIME 10PM- see you then! Love, Ian"
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"How did @chelseahandler end up in my hotel room?! Maybe b/c I just Did the Chelsea Lately show with Mary McCormack. SO fun, great audience- I felt really loved. So much awesome estrogen! Thanks Mary! Love, Ian"
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"Sitting under a palm tree, in a chair at Poquito Más,my favorite little taco stand in Burbank California next to the CW&Warner Bros.Why is that cool? Because, I just realized that 5 years ago, almost to the day- I was sitting right here drinking an iced tea waiting for my food and going over my lines before Auditioning for Damon Salvatore, just before I walked into the studio to get this show. Wow! 5 YEARS! It's been an amazing time since then. I'm so grateful to the powers that be at CBS, The CW&Warner Bros for taking a chance on me and giving me this role. Even though I bombed my 1st Network test at the CW...Kevin Williamson had to fight tooth and nail for me-I LOVE YOU KEVIN FOR YOUR VISION, DIRECTION, BROTHERSHIP AND CHANGING MY LIFE.You, Julie Plec and this team really created something special. We all thank you, the devoted fans and the audience of this thing we call, The Vampire Diaries Love you all Ian and Damon"
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"In Bakersfield CA-sitting with my brothers at VISCON. I've never seen anything like this:a fuel additive that reduces emissions including CO2. Umm, WHY ARE WE NOT USING THIS EVERYDAY IN EVERY PLANE, TRAIN AND AUTOMOBILE??!!! Look at this WOW. WOW. So grateful to these guys!!!"
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"The last guy in the empty Vampire Diaries stages... Cleaning out Damon's room. Sooooo quiet. Sooooo nice..."
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"Me and Moke broadcasting from home for YEARS OF LIVING @yearsofliving DANGEROUSLY google hangout! The show airs TONIGHT AT 10PM EST on SHOWTIME @thejram showing me the amazing questions coming in!!!! You guys ROCK!"