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Här är smygtitten för nästa avsnitt av TVD som sänds på amerikansk TV den 29:de Januari!
(ps. jag vet att bloggen har haft en väldig dålig uppdatering de senaste året/åren, jag har kollat över statistiken och sett att läsare fortfarande besöker oss, så därför kommer vi som smått att börja uppdatera igen, tack för visat intresse!)
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Entertainment-sidan zap2it har samlat en del skvaller om säsong 6 av TVD från en av seriens skribenter, Julie Plec, här är några uttalanden hon har gjort om i vilken riktning de kommer ta serien. OBS! SPOILERS!
Julie (till EntertainmentWeekly) — "I think the ending of the episode is meant to be left up deliberately for speculation of what exactly did happen to them. I can say for certain the Other Side is gone for good, and I can say for certain that when The Other Side disappeared for good that they had already been dealt with -- whether it's through finding peace or other means. Outside of that [laughs], I think I'll let the speculation blow around a little while longer."
När det gäller huruvida fansen fortfarande kommer att kunna förvänta sig att se Ian Somerhalder (Damon) och Kat Graham (Bonnie) – igen sade hon:
"We will definitely see Ian Somerhalder and Kat Graham on the show. I mean, there's a million different ways that you can do that. But as far as in what context -- how, why, and where? -- that's part of the mystery." — hon tillägger även en kommentar om karaktären Lexi: "Lexi is great in our flashbacks and part of Stefan's life, all the way from 1864 on, so we might see Arielle [Kebbel] again as Lexi in the past"

Plec berättar för TVLine att det är en skillnad på hurvida de som befann sig på "den andra sidan" fann frid eller försvann:
"We don't like to say things like 'heaven' and 'hell' on our show, but anybody can define what they saw the way they want to define it," "I can say that Lexi, in my heart, found peace, and I believe the same is true for Grams. I definitely know that Silas and Markos and everybody else is definitely gone for good. As for Damon and Bonnie, the question is: What happened to them? What did they find?"
"We don't like to say things like 'heaven' and 'hell' on our show, but anybody can define what they saw the way they want to define it," "I can say that Lexi, in my heart, found peace, and I believe the same is true for Grams. I definitely know that Silas and Markos and everybody else is definitely gone for good. As for Damon and Bonnie, the question is: What happened to them? What did they find?"
Nu när Tyler har kommit tillbaka från den andra sidan och insåg att han inte är hybrid länge, vad är han då? frågade TheHollywoodReporter:
"What got stripped away from him when he got thrown over the border were the elements that made him both vampire and triggered-werewolf. So he is back to being a boy with a werewolf gene," Säger Plec, "And so it puts him in a really interesting predicament next year because it's almost like a do-over in a good way, but also a scary way. Now with that comes that testosterone, needing to work out his aggressions, and find way to not lose his s***, so to speak, so that he doesn't re-trigger the curse [laughs]. I think after having gone through everything he went through, re-triggering the werewolf curse would be possibly a fate worse than death at this point." hon tillägger — "I'm excited about Tyler's storyline this year," "It's time for him to find somebody new to love, because one thing that can help us with the darkest parts inside ourselves is the light of love, so I'm looking forward to exploring that with him."

Men Tylers fall är undantaget, eftersom han dog som en kille med en varulvsgen efter förtrollningen avskalade honom av magi. Resten av dem - Stefan, Elena, Enzo, etc. - är fortfarande vampyrer. Och det betyder att Alaric fortfarande är en "original vampire", bara mindre ond än när han dog.
Julie säger:
"He's still a super Original, and I think if anybody doesn't want to be that, it's Alaric," "We never really got to see him deal with having become a vampire, because Esther had gotten in his head and screwed with his brain so badly that he just kind of became the villain with no conscience. So now this is our favorite sexy teacher back in our lives and having to hide the fact that [laughs] A) he's this weird, weird breed of vampire and B) he's not particularly sure if he likes it. So it'll be a good story for him."
"He's still a super Original, and I think if anybody doesn't want to be that, it's Alaric," "We never really got to see him deal with having become a vampire, because Esther had gotten in his head and screwed with his brain so badly that he just kind of became the villain with no conscience. So now this is our favorite sexy teacher back in our lives and having to hide the fact that [laughs] A) he's this weird, weird breed of vampire and B) he's not particularly sure if he likes it. So it'll be a good story for him."
Julie hintar även på ett möjligt kärleksintresse för Alaric:
"I think as we watched Alaric struggle with living the hidden life of a vampire, wouldn't it be nice if a woman entered his life who he had interest in, that he had to hide that from?" "You get a little fun Stefan-and-Elena stuff in Season 1 with Alaric, who is trying to get his life together."

Julie konstaterar att Enzo inte är färdig än med att skapa trubbel:
Julie konstaterar att Enzo inte är färdig än med att skapa trubbel:
"Oh, Enzo's not making any friends," Plec says. "The beauty of Enzo is that we find him delightful, but he doesn't need any friends. He definitely is a thorn in a couple people's side, and will continue to be so in that delicious, devilish way that he has."

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Ian kommer att medverka i säsongen, så Damon kommer dyka upp igen på något sett, men säsongen kommer i storhet handla om personliga besvär som karaktärerna går igenom.
En källa sade till om Damon's återkomst: “There is no issue with Ian and Nina at all, he will be back, he needed time to film other stuff and it’s all about keeping the storyline interesting.”
Det har också sagts att de kommer utforska förhållandet mellan Caroline och Stefan.
Kolla in eftersom för mer nyheter.
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Natten mot fredag sänds säsongsavslutningen av The Vampire Diaries, missa det inte! Kommer posta avsnittet på Fredag eftermiddag!
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Svar: Jag kände att detta var en bra fråga att svara på i ett inlägg, det finns andra som har frågat mig liknande och svaret är — Caroline Dries, som är producent och skriver manus för serien, har sagt följande:
“We’re breaking season 6 right now in the writer’s room, and [the season] will kind of just start with everyone in a different orbit in a way, and so … season 6 will be a lot of us bringing people back together and picking up the pieces.”
Så, ja, som det ser ut nu, blir det en säson 6.
När det kommer till saken om hurvida Damon kommer vara med i säsong 6 eller inte beror på vad producenterna/författarna av serien bestämmer sig för att göra i säsongsfinalen. Så jag kan inte säga säkert att Damon är kvar, men jag kan inte heller säga att han försvinner, det får vi se i följande avsnitt.
Jag förstår att det känns osäkert, eftersom att, i böckerna (som serien är baserad på) råkar Damon ut för lite problem runt den här tiden som serien är i nu, och dör, men återupplivas av magi. Så även om de bestämmer sig för att gå i den riktningen, kommer vi inte bli av med Ian i serien på ett tag.
Serien har dock inte följt böckerna perfekt, utan går i en mer generell riktning, så att säga säkert vad som kommer hända är inte möjligt.

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Föt att kolla på senaste avsnittet (5x19), klicka på 'continue to video', och sen play.
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A CABIN IN THE WOODS — When Tyler (Michael Trevino) turns up at the Salvatore house with the news that Markos' (guest star Raffi Barsoumian) plan to break the witches' curse puts Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) in imminent danger, Damon (Ian Somerhalder) suggests they hide out in the remote cabin once owned by Caroline's (Candice Accola) father. Once there, it becomes obvious to Caroline that Stefan and Elena are keeping a secret, so Damon (Ian Somerhalder) comes up with a parlor game designed to expose the truth. A ghostly presence at the cabin uses violence and fire to make itself known. Meanwhile, Matt (Zach Roerig) takes charge of Tyler's plan to get information from one of the Travelers, and Bonnie (Kat Graham) continues to keep the truth about the Other Side from Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen), despite warnings from Grams (guest star Jasmine Guy). Joshua Butler directed the episode written by Elisabeth R. Finch & Holly Brix (#520).
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Om ni såg senaste avsnittet här nedan eller någon annanstans kan ni ta en titt på denna trailer för nästa avsnitt titlat "Man on Fire"
FLASHBACKS TO THE 1960s — Stefan (Paul Wesley) tries to distract Elena (Nina Dobrev) from obsessing about the state of her relationship with Damon (Ian Somerhalder), while Bonnie (Kat Graham) does her best to be realistic about how the changes happening on the Other Side will affect her existence as the Anchor. Damon demands the Traveler knife, forcing Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) and Matt (Zach Roerig) to admit it has gone missing. Through flashbacks to election night, 1960, Enzo (guest star Michael Malarkey) reveals to Elena, Stefan and Bonnie that he has learned what happened to his long-lost love, Maggie (guest star Heather Hemmens), and then, with the unwilling help of Liv (guest star Penelope Mitchell) and Luke (guest star Chris Brochu), things take an ugly turn. Trying to calm Enzo down, Damon intervenes, but his words cause Enzo to make a desperate and dangerous decision that leads to a violent confrontation with Stefan. Finally, Markos (guest star Raffi Barsoumian) enlists Sloan's (guest star Caitlin McHugh) help in a ritual designed to break an ancient curse against the Travelers. Tyler (Michael Trevino) is forced to play a dangerous part in the ritual, while witnessing the incredible power the Travelers now possess. Michael Allowitz directed the episode written by Melinda Hsu Taylor & Matthew D'Ambrosio (#519).
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Ian pratar om en kyss i regnet och om hurvida Damon och Elena's förhållande kommer fortsätta i serien.
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Nina Dobrev kommer att medverka i en ny film titlad "The Final Girls" med bland annat Malin Åkerman och Alexander Ludwig som spelar Cato i The Hunger Games-serien.
Filmen som är i förproduktion kommer att släppas antingen 2014 eller 2015 och handlar om följande:
A young woman grieving the loss of her mother, a famous scream queen from the 1980s, finds herself pulled into the world of her mom's most famous movie. Reunited, the women must fight off the film's maniacal killer.
A young woman grieving the loss of her mother, a famous scream queen from the 1980s, finds herself pulled into the world of her mom's most famous movie. Reunited, the women must fight off the film's maniacal killer.
Det är ännu inte klart om just vilken karaktär Nina kommer att spela.
En annan film Nina kommer medverka i och som släpps 2014 är en titlad "Let's be Cops" och handlar om:
Two struggling pals dress as police officers for a costume party and become neighborhood sensations. But when these newly-minted "heroes" get tangled in a real life web of mobsters and dirty detectives, they must put their fake badges on the line.
Two struggling pals dress as police officers for a costume party and become neighborhood sensations. But when these newly-minted "heroes" get tangled in a real life web of mobsters and dirty detectives, they must put their fake badges on the line.

Nina Dobrev på PaleyFest 2014
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Avsnittet sänds Torsdag den 24 April amerikansk tid.

Beskrivningen för avsnittet lyder: FLASHBACKS TO THE 1960s — Stefan tries to distract Elena from obsessing about the state of her relationship with Damon, while Bonnie does her best to be realistic about how the changes happening on the Other Side will affect her existence as the Anchor. Damon demands the Traveler knife, forcing Jeremy and Matt to admit it has gone missing. Through flashbacks to election night, 1960, Enzo reveals to Elena, Stefan and Bonnie that he has learned what happened to his long-lost love, Maggie, and then, with the unwilling help of Liv and Luke, things take an ugly turn. Trying to calm Enzo down, Damon intervenes, but his words cause Enzo to make a desperate and dangerous decision that leads to a violent confrontation with Stefan. Finally, Markos enlists Sloan’s help in a ritual designed to break an ancient curse against the Travelers. Tyleris forced to play a dangerous part in the ritual, while witnessing the incredible power the Travelers now possess.
Mer bilder från avsnittet (klicka för full storlek)
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En ny bild har släppts för avsnitt 20 titlat "What Lies Beneath".
Avsnittet sänds om 19 dagar och är det tredje avsnittet innan säsongsfinalen.

Beskrivningen för avsnittet lyder: When Tyler turns up at the Salvatore house with the news that Markos’ plan to break the witches’ curse puts Stefan and Elena in imminent danger, Damon suggests they hide out in the remote cabin once owned by Caroline’s father. Once there, it becomes obvious to Caroline that Stefan and Elena are keeping a secret, so Damon comes up with a parlor game designed to expose the truth. A ghostly presence at the cabin uses violence and fire to make itself known. Meanwhile, Matt takes charge of Tyler’s plan to get information from one of the Travelers, and Bonnie continues to keep the truth about the Other Side from Jeremy, despite warnings from Grams.
Två tidigare bilder som har släppts för samma avsnitt: