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På Torsdag sänds nästa avsnitt av The Vampire Diaries, i detta inlägg kan ni läsa all samlad information om det kommande avsnittet. Så jag varnar er nu med spoiler varning.
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PAUL WESLEY MAKES HIS DIRECTORIAL DEBUT — Both Stefan (Paul Wesley) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) are suddenly having unsettling dreams of an alternate version of the life they might have had together. Bonnie (Kat Graham) has a disturbing encounter with Grams (guest star Jasmine Guy), who warns her about frightening changes on the Other Side. Enzo (guest star Michael Malarkey) gives Damon (Ian Somerhalder) unwanted relationship advice, then admits he is searching for a woman he loved decades before while he was held captive by the Augustines. Liv (guest star Penelope Mitchell) enlists Matt (Zach Roerig), Jeremy (Steven R. McQueen) and Tyler (Michael Trevino) to help track the Travelers and keep them from taking control of Mystic Falls. Bonnie is hurt and angry when she learns that Jeremy is working with Liv behind her back. Luke (guest star Chris Brochu) shows up at the Salvatore house and explains what he knows about Markos (guest star Raffi Barsoumian) and the Travelers to Damon, Elena and Enzo. Matt has a terrifying encounter with inhabitants of the Other Side. Finally, when Damon finds Markos, he is both relieved and disturbed by what Markos has to tell him.
Paul Wesley regisserade avsnittet skrivet av Brian Young & Caroline Dries
(#518) Avsnitt 18, Säsong 5
Sänds kl. 02:00 svensk tid på Amerikanska nätverket The CW Fredag den 17/4.
Stillfoton från avsnittet: (klicka för större bild)

Detta avsnitt markerar introduceringen av nya karaktären Markos (Raffi Barsoumian) som gjorde ett framträdande i föregående avsnitt men vars karaktär vi inte vet mycket om ännu. Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore) som regisserade avsnittet säger om gästspelaren [Raffi] "He's a really good actor. He had a lot of information that he had to unload in some scenes and he handled it very naturally. He surprised me. He did a really nice job. I really like him. He played it really well. He's sort of an atypical villain for some reason. I don't think we've had a guy like him before."
Zach Roerig (Matt Donovan) teasade också följande:
"There's a scene between Matt and someone else that I can't name and there's a whole sequence and it's a beautiful sequence. It's very action-packed."